This is the final test for M1 level.
Pass these tests 2 times minimum.
1) Translate 20 random sentences.
2) You can have 4 mistakes maximum .
3) The time limit is 2:20.
1. How to go shopping?
2. How to order at a cafe?
3. How to go on vacation?
4. How to use a bus?
5. How to use “Column technique”?
6. How to use “3 Indicators technique”?
1. How does a school work?
2. What is your everyday routine?
3. Tell about your family.
4. Tell about your best friend.
5. Tell about yourself.
6. Tell about your hobbies.
1. At a shop. A client and a cashier.
2. At a cafe. A client and a waiter.
3. Plan a trip. You and your friend.
4. At school. You and your teacher.
5. New friend. You and a new friend.
1. Watch and retell a video.
2. Listen and retell an audio recording.
3. Tell about your experience. (trip, movie, holiday, book, etc)