1) t+r = chr
Try! – [Ch]ry!
trouble – [ch]rouble
true – [ch]rue
2) What happened? – Wedapen?
3) our – R
What are R plans?
Am not/are not/is not | Ain’t |
Has not/have not | Ain’t |
Want to | Wanna |
Want a | Wanna |
What have you | Whatcha |
Kind of | Kinda |
Sort of | Sorta |
Out of | Outta |
A lot of | Alotta |
Lots of | Lotsa |
Much of | Mucha |
Cup of | Cuppa |
Don’t know | Dunno |
Let me | Lemme |
Give me | Gimme |
Tell them | Tell’em |
Because | Cos |
Isn’t it? | Innit? |
I’m going to | I’mma |
Going to | Gonna |
Need to | Needa |
Ought to | Oughta |
Have to | Hafta |
Has to | Hasta |
Used to | Usta |
Supposed to | Supposta |
Got to | Gotta |
Come on | Cmon |
You/ you are | Ya |
(have) got a | Gotta |
Should have | Shoulda |
Shouldn’t have | Shouldna |
Wouldn’t have | Wouldna |
She would have | She’da |
Could have | Coulda |
Would have | Woulda |
Might have | Mighta |
Mightn’t have | Mightna |
Must have | Musta |
Must not have | Mussna |
Don’t you | Dontcha |
Won’t you | Wontcha |
What are you | Whatcha |
Bet you | Betcha |
Got you | Gotcha |
Do you | D’you |
Didn’t you | Didntcha |
Did you | Dija |
Some more | S’more |
Later | Layder |