1) t+r = chr
Try! – [Ch]ry!
trouble – [ch]rouble
true – [ch]rue

2) What happened? – Wedapen?

3) our – R
What are R plans?

Am not/are not/is not Ain’t
Has not/have not Ain’t
Want to Wanna
Want a Wanna
What have you Whatcha
Kind of Kinda
Sort of Sorta
Out of Outta
A lot of Alotta
Lots of Lotsa
Much of Mucha
Cup of Cuppa
Don’t know Dunno
Let me Lemme
Give me Gimme
Tell them Tell’em
Because Cos
Isn’t it? Innit?
I’m going to I’mma
Going to Gonna
Need to Needa
Ought to Oughta
Have to Hafta
Has to Hasta
Used to Usta
Supposed to Supposta
Got to Gotta
Come on Cmon
You/ you are Ya
(have) got a Gotta
Should have Shoulda
Shouldn’t have Shouldna
Wouldn’t have Wouldna
She would have She’da
Could have Coulda
Would have Woulda
Might have Mighta
Mightn’t have Mightna
Must have Musta
Must not have Mussna
Don’t you Dontcha
Won’t you Wontcha
What are you Whatcha
Bet you Betcha
Got you Gotcha
Do you D’you
Didn’t you Didntcha
Did you Dija
Some more S’more
Later Layder