A small boy swallows some coins and is taken to a hospital. When his grandmother telephones to ask how he is, the nurse tells her, “No change yet.”
The point is in tripple meaning of the word “change”
1) change – something that isn’t the same as it was before
2) change – small money, usually in coins
3) change – money that you get back after you paid too much
A young boy runs into the house and excitedly shows his mother a fifty-dollar
bill he found in the park. “Are you sure it was lost?” the mother asks.
“I’m positive,” the boy replies. “I even saw the guy looking for it.”
“We have a beautiful little girl who we
named after my mom; in fact, Passive
Aggressive Psycho turns five
A couple is sitting on the porch sipping wine. The wife says, “I love you.”
The husband says, “Is that you or the wine talking?”
The wife replies, “It’s me, talking to the wine.”