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IRREGULAR VERBS BACK Write 3 forms of the verbs.NOTE(a) first letter(-a) the last letter MY LAST RESULT % – LEADERBOARD (average this month)
1 SPEAKING D Click here SPEAKING1. Watch this VIDEO and retell it. Your retelling must be detailed. 5-6 minutes.2. Record your retelling on audio or video
1 SPEAKING D Click here SPEAKING 1. Watch this VIDEO and retell it. Your retelling must be detailed. 5-6 minutes. 2. Record your retelling on audio
1 SPEAKING D Click here SPEAKING 1. Watch this VIDEO and retell it. Your retelling must be detailed. 5-6 minutes. 2. Record your retelling on audio
1 SPEAKING D Click here SPEAKING 1. Watch this VIDEO and retell it. Your retelling must be detailed. 5-6 minutes. 2. Record your retelling on audio
1 SPEAKING D Click here SPEAKING 1. Watch this VIDEO and retell it. Your retelling must be detailed. 5-6 minutes. 2. Record your retelling on audio
TEST 1 / NOMBRES VOLVER Translate words (80%)NOTE(a) first letter(-a) the last letter SPECIAL LETTERS á à â ą é è ê ę ó ô í î
1 COMIDA / FINAL TEST volver Translate words (minimum 80%)You will see 40 random words taken from the whole topic. For better objectivity, it is